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4.0: Intro to Built in Resources

Intro to Built in Resources


Now that we have an understanding of some of the Kubernetes history and how the system components function, as well as having deployed one or more clusters that we can operate with, it's time to take a look at the built-in resources that Kubernetes provides out of the box, what we would use them for, and how they behave.

This section is meant to give you a high-level understanding of the different pieces and building blocks, but outside the context of a demo application, it's very hard to fully understand the nuances. And so my hope is that you will leave this section with awareness of the breadth of different resources that are available, and then as we revisit these resources in more detail, as we build out our demo application later in the course, that understanding will solidify, and you'll start to understand the patterns with which you would use these in future application designs.