Video Thumbnail for Lesson
0.1: Course Overview

Course Overview

Welcome to the Kubernetes: Beginner to Pro course by DevOps Directive!

This course is designed for beginner through intermediate software engineers who have familiarity with containerized applications and want to level up their ability to deploy and host their applications with Kubernetes!

If you want/need to brush on on your container skills, please check out my Docker: Beginner to Pro course:

Docker Course Thumbnail

How to Support My Work

For past courses I have had corporate sponsorship to help cover the costs of producing the course, but for this course no suitable sponsor came to fruition. I could charge for the course, but I decided to keep it free to help as many people learn Kubernetes as possible!

If you get value from the course and want to help support my work, there are many ways you can help me!

Free 💸

If you are not in a position to afford paying for the course that is totally okay! You can still help me by doing any or all of the following:

  1. Share the course with your network / team (and tag me @sidpalas!).
  2. Like the video on YouTube
  3. Star the repo on GitHub

Unfortunately, I can't pay for groceries with YouTube likes and GitHub stars, so if you want to support my work on this course financially consider one of the following:

  1. GitHub Sponsorship
  2. Buy Me a Coffee

Part 1 (Modules 1-4)

In the first part of the course we will cover:

  • The history and motivation behind Kubernetes
  • An overview of Kubernetes technology
  • How to install and set up a Kubernetes cluster
  • Understanding built-in Kubernetes resource types such as Pods, Services, Deployments, and more

Part 2 (Modules 5-12)

In the second part of the course, we will build on that foundation to:

  • Use Helm for managing Kubernetes applications
  • Deploy a sample application to a Kubernetes cluster
  • Extend Kubernetes with custom resources and controllers
  • Deploy auxiliary tools like Trivy Operator for security and CloudNativePG for database management
  • Enhance developer experience with tools like Tilt and External Secrets Operator
  • Debug and troubleshoot Kubernetes applications
  • Manage deployments across multiple environments using Kustomize, Helm, Kluctl and other tools
  • Implement a CI/CD pipeline for Kubernetes


While I do my best to explain things as simply as possible, it will be helpful if you have the following:

  • Familiarity with web applications (the course examples are in various languages)
  • Basic shell commands (enough to build/run an application in the language of your choosing on Linux)
  • Basic cloud infrastructure knowledge (enough to create a virtual machine on your cloud of choice)
  • Intermediate containerization knowledge
Meme showing DevOps newbie skipping the prerequisites