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9.3: Additional Tools Worth Exploring

Other K8s Operators Worth Exploring


There's many other projects that you should consider taking a look at. I just wanted to highlight a couple that I find very valuable and showcase how you go about installing and then working with the custom resources that these systems deploy. A few that I would just call out here quickly are CertManager, which is a tool for provisioning and managing TLS certificates. The External Secrets Operator we're going to showcase in the Developer Experience module, but that allows you to store the source of truth for secrets outside of the cluster and then pull those in and mirror them as Kubernetes secrets which you can consume from your workloads. There's a number of monitoring and observability tooling. There's paid versions like Datadog or Grafana Cloud. There's self-hosted options if you want to go the open source route, such as Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki. There's GitOps tooling to enable you to automatically keep your cluster state synced with the state of your configurations in Git. There's service meshes from a networking standpoint, open policy agent from a compliance and specifying rules for what types of configurations can be deployed in your cluster. I mentioned Crossplane before, which is an infrastructure as code tool that runs on top of Kubernetes. Knative is a serverless platform that runs on top of Kubernetes. Kubvert allows you to deploy and manage virtual machines with Kubernetes. And then Valero is a backup and restore tool for your Kubernetes cluster. So I just wanted to give a speed run of a bunch of valuable tools that you should look into as you build out your application platforms on top of Kubernetes. Explore the landscape and hopefully you can find projects or companies or tools that meet the needs of your specific use cases.