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1.1: Motivation for Containers

Motivation for Containers

In this section, we explore the motivation behind containers, the history of virtualization technologies, and why containers have become the dominant development and deployment mechanism for software applications today.

Addressing Software Development Lifecycle Challenges

Containers aim to address two main aspects of the software development lifecycle:

1. Development

Historically, setting up a development environment involved complex and error-prone processes. Docker simplifies this by allowing developers to run a single command, docker-compose up, and have a compatible environment across Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.

Developing without containers

2. Deployment

Deploying applications used to involve several steps, such as creating a server, configuring dependencies, and copying the application code. Containers introduce a single standardized package, simplifying deployment by only requiring a container runtime and the container image.

Deploying without containers

Simplifying the Development and Deployment Process

Containers make both development and deployment processes simpler and more reliable. They help ensure that the local environment is as close as possible to the production environment, reducing the chances of errors when translating from local to production systems.