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11.4: Continuous Integration (GitHub Actions)

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is the idea of executing some actions (for example build, test, etc...) automatically as you push code to your version control system.

For containers, there are a number of things we may want to do:

  1. Build the container images
  2. Execute tests
  3. Scan container images for vulnerabilities
  4. Tag images with useful metadata
  5. Push to a container registry

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a continuous integration pipeline system built into GitHub.

You add configuration files to .github/workflows within the repo and GitHub will automatically execute them based on the conditions you set!

GitHub actions has a public marketplace where people can publish open source actions that help make the process of writing your pipelines easier and faster. We will use a number of these actions as we build out a workflow for our repo.

Note: The workflow file shown in the course can be found at

Execution conditions

Common events used to trigger workflows include:

  • Push events to one or more branches (e.g. with each update to the main branch)
  • Creation of tags (e.g. tag that matches v* pattern indicating a release)
  • Pull request creation/modification (usually to execute tests)

In this case we want to run our workflow on push events to the github-action branch and on any v* tags. To specify this we use the following yaml:

      - "github-action"
      - "v*"

Build, Tag, and Push

We can then specify one or more jobs. To keep things simple for the course I included a single job that will build one of our container images, tag it, push it to Dockerhub, and scan it for vulnerabilities.

The job is given a name and a specific machine type to run on.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - ...

We then proceed through the following steps:

  1. Check out the code:

A standard action which checks out the code from the repo at the relevant commit.

- name: Checkout
  uses: actions/checkout@v3
  1. Generate image tags:

Uses an action from Docker to generate useful tags based on information about the triggering event, the commit sha, and the current timestamp.

- name: Docker meta
  id: meta
  uses: docker/metadata-action@v4
    images: |
    tags: |
      type=raw,value={{date 'YYYYMMDD'}}-{{sha}}
  1. Login to DockerHub

Uses an action from Docker + secrets stored in the repo to authenticate to Dockerhub.

- name: Login to Docker Hub
  uses: docker/login-action@v2
    username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
    password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
  1. Build and push image

Use an action from Docker along with the output of the tag generation step to build and push the container image.

- name: Build and push
  uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
    file: ./06-building-container-images/api-node/Dockerfile.8
    context: ./05-example-web-application/api-node/
    push: true
    tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
  1. Scan image for vulnerabilities

Use an action from Trivy to run their security scanner against the built image and fail if any CRITICAL level vulnerabilities are found.

- name: Run Trivy vulnerability scanner
  uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@master
    image-ref: "sidpalas/devops-directive-docker-course-api-node:latest"
    format: "table"
    exit-code: "1"
    ignore-unfixed: true
    vuln-type: "os,library"
    severity: "CRITICAL"

Additional Resources

For more examples and advanced use cases of GitHub Actions and Docker CI/CD, check out Brett Fisher's Docker CI/CD Automation repository.

You can also watch his talk on the subject for a full walkthrough: