Examine the evolution of virtualization technologies from bare metal, virtual machines, and containers and the tradeoffs between them.
Explores the three core Linux features that enable containers to function (cgroups, namespaces, and union filesystems), as well as the architecture of the Docker components.
Install and configure Docker Desktop
Use publicly available container images in your developer workflows and learn how about container data persistence.
Building out a realistic microservice application to containerize.
Write and optimize Dockerfiles and build container images for the components of the example web app.
Use container registries such as Dockerhub to share and distribute container images.
Use Docker and Docker Compose to run the containerized application from Module 5.
Learn best practices for container image and container runtime security.
Explore how to use Docker to interact with containers, container images, volumes, and networks.
Add tooling and configuration to enable improved developer experience when working with containers.
•Developer Experience Wishlist
Deploy containerized applications to production using a variety of approaches.
There are some additional features of Dockerfiles that are not shown in the example applications but are worth knowing about. These are highlighted in Dockerfile.sample
and the corresponding build / run commands in the Makefile
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.5
# escape=\
# ^ OPTIONAL "directives" (must be at top if used)
# ARG is the only instruction that can come before FROM
# ARGs can be overriden at build time
# > docker build --build-arg BASE_VERSION=19.3 .
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="sid@devopsdirective.com"
RUN echo "Hey Team 👋 (shell form)"
RUN ["echo", "Hey Team 👋 (exec form)"]
# Heredocs allow for specifying multiple commands to
# be run within a single step, across multiple lines
# without lots of && and \
apt update
apt install iputils-ping -y
# --mount allows for mounting additional files
# into the build context
# RUN --mount=type=bind ...
# RUN --mount=type=cache ...
# RUN --mount=type=ssh ...
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=secret.txt,dst=/container-secret.txt \
echo "Run the command that requires access to the secret here"
# Available only at build time
# (Still in image metadata though...)
# Available at build and run time
# Set the default working directory
# Use the convention of your language/framework
WORKDIR path/to/the/working/directory
ENTRYPOINT [ "echo", "Hey Team 👋 (entrypoint)" ]
CMD [ "+ (cmd)" ]
and CMD
can be confusing. Depending on whether arguments are provided at runtime one or more will be used.
make run-sample-entrypoint-cmd
to create images for multiple architectures from a single Dockerfile. This video goes into depth on that topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWSHtHasJUI.
make build-multiarch
make target demonstrates using this feature (and the images can be seen here: https://hub.docker.com/r/sidpalas/multi-arch-test/tags.