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3.2: Running Your First Containers

Running Your First Containers with Docker

Example 1: Whalesay Container

  1. Run the Whalesay container: Execute the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
docker run docker/whalesay cowsay "Hey Team! 👋"

This command will pull the public whalesay image from Docker Hub, download it, and run a container with the custom command provided.

  1. View the output: After the container finishes running, you should see an ASCII art output with the custom phrase "Hey Team! 👋".
< Hey Team! 👋 >
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Example 2: Postgres Container

  1. Run the Postgres container: Execute the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=foobarbaz -p 5432:5432 postgres:15.1-alpine

This command will:

  • Set the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable (required for the container to start)
  • Publish port 5432 on your localhost and connect it to port 5432 inside the container
  • Pull the postgres:15.1-alpine image from Docker Hub, if it's not already available locally
  • Start the container, creating a running Postgres 15.1 instance on the Alpine operating system
  1. Verify the Postgres container is running: Open a PostgreSQL client such as pgAdmin and connect to the database by adding a new server with the following information:
   - Host: localhost
   - Port: 5432
   - User: postgres
   - Password: foobarbaz
  1. Execute a query: Run a sample query to confirm the connection and access to the database inside the container. For example:
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables;

This query will return all the tables from the information schema within the database running inside the container.