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9.1: Container Security

Container Security

There are two main aspects to consider when thinking about container security:

  • Container Image Security: What vulnerabilities exist in your image that an attacker could exploit?
  • Container Runtime Security: If an attacker successfully compromises a container, what can they do? How difficult will it be to move laterally?

Image Security

  1. Keep the attack surface area small
    • Use minimal base images to reduce the number of installed components, decreasing the chance of vulnerabilities. ChainGuard is a good source for secure base images.
  2. Don't include unnecessary components
    • Exclude components that aren't needed at production time in your Dockerfile.
  3. Utilize multi-stage builds
    • Use multi-stage builds for components needed during the build process but not at runtime.
  4. Scan images for vulnerabilities
    • Use tools such as Snyk (built into Docker) or Trivy (from Aqua Security) to scan images for potential vulnerabilities.
  5. Avoid running as root user
    • Run containers with a Linux user with minimal permissions.
  6. Don't store sensitive information in images
    • Treat images as if they're public and inject sensitive data at runtime.
  7. Sign images cryptographically
    • Sign your images to prove their origin and ensure their integrity.
  8. Pin base images
    • Pin your base images to at least the minor version number to automatically incorporate bug fixes but avoid breaking changes.

Runtime Security

  1. Use user namespace remap
    • Enable the user namespace remap option in Docker daemon (dockerd) to separate container user namespaces from the host system.
  2. Set the file system as read-only
    • Configure the file system as read-only for containers that don't require write access.
  3. Remove and add capabilities as needed
    • Use the cap_drop option to remove all capabilities, then add back any necessary ones.
  4. Limit CPU and memory
    • Restrict CPU and memory usage to prevent denial-of-service situations.
  5. Set seccomp or AppArmor profiles
    • Utilize security options to set seccomp or AppArmor profiles for additional security layers.